Quality & Safety
Bore promote safe working practices, high safety standard, environmental protection and continuous improvement of safety issues.
Bore Ltd is Certified as a ISO 14001 Environmental Standard compliant company and the environmental requirements are integrated into the company SQMS (Safety and Quality Management System). We continuously follow updates on best practices and safety guidelines.
Regularly, we carry out Internal Audits to verify that the company ships and the company offices comply with all relevant rules and regulations.

To secure safety at sea
We have created safe rules in ship operations and working environment
We are committed to comply with applicable rules and regulations
We have a high awareness of safety, and ensure measures are being taken against identified risks connected to our operations
We have trained Bore’s ship and shore personnel systematically to internalize the Bore SQMS
We are committed to continuous improvement of safety managements skills for ship and shore personnel
We have made the necessary precautions for different emergency situations, and for actions during emergencies and fault situations, both on board and in the offices